Driving forward with passion since 1985

Quality & Safety

Health, safety, and wellbeing is firmly rooted in Al Mukawilon philosophy. We recognize our responsibility under current safety and health legislation and believes that incidents are preventable.
Our legacy over the last four decades has seen us continually strive to reduce risks, and protect our people and stakeholders, by building a culture where safety comes first.
In all our projects whether its small or major complex projects we are responsible for the health and safety of all stakeholders, and all our employees are dedicated to this commitment.
We recognize that health and safety evolve through the lifecycle of a project, and as such, we assemble our highly skilled workforce to manage health and safety risk holistically. We work with our clients and supply chain partners to develop a culture that ensures nobody gets hurt or suffers ill health at work.

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is of a paramount importance on site. Therefore, staff is strictly requested to adhere by (HSE) policies and procedures. HSE compliance officer will be found on site to make sure that procedures are correctly applied and respected. HSE officer reports directly for the project manager for any safety concerns if existed on site. Additionally, safety and environmental compliance is monitored by the COO in the head office via reports received from the project manager Safety program contains company rules procedures and requirements to achieve a safe and injury free work environment. Our goal at company is zero injuries on all of our projects and our company is committed to eliminating injuries occupational illness and damage to the environment on the job sites and construction facilities.
The management of our company shall be responsible for eliminating the conditions for accidents enforcing safety rules, procedures and provide training for its staff to avoid possible injuries accident.